Tag: #sierranevada

Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Have moved server to one the husband has set up so apparently I have no posts visible now 🤔 So here is one. This is how our wonderful mountains, Sierra Nevada, look at the moment ❤️ That's the Sierra Nevada in Spain!

The Sierra Nevada in Spain
Dec 20, 2022, 12:50:47 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Polar air has marched it's way to southern Spain, even dropping some precipitation along the way. We went to take some photo's showing the snowy Sierra Nevada above. Our usual place for this shot took us into an area that was devastated by wildfire in September last year. It was horrifying to watch then, It was horrifying to wander through today. The loss of wildlife, nature & livelihoods is beyond words.

Burnt young palm trees pushing up through the ash from a wildfire
Showing a clear line from the wildfire battle, what got to live and what burnt.
Lanjaron mid distance, behind the Sierra Nevada mountains and in front a devastated area from the wildfire in September
Burnt trees
Jan 19, 2023, 7:18:49 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

The Golden eagle is an almost daily sight for me here in Lanjaron in the Granada province. Our work predominantly in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Spain and Alpujarra (the foothills of the Sierra Nevada) bring me into regular contact with the flora and fauna of our area.

A juvenile Golden Eagle flying directly overhead showing plenty of the young plumage.
Feb 7, 2023, 7:26:21 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Well here is something you don't see very often 😱 Hotair balloons passing over the Barranco del Alhorí and Picón de Jérez in the Sierra Nevada this morning.

Three hotair balloons flying over the snowy mountains of the Sierra Nevada in Spain
Feb 28, 2023, 5:16:19 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

The snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada. The highest mountains of the range, Mulhacen and Veleta, were making their own clouds.

Showing the snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain and the highest peaks making their own clouds
Mar 10, 2023, 11:35:38 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

We had an unusual view today of the Castillo and the town of La Calahorra today. Taken from 2609m on the summit of Morrón Sanjuanero in the Sierra Nevada mountains 😎

A shot of the Castillo de La Calahorra is located in La Calahorra, in the province of Granada, Spain. It is situated in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Built between 1509 and 1512, it was one of the first Italian Renaissance castles to be built outside Italy.
Mar 28, 2023, 7:01:09 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

A handsome stallion walks by in the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada. We had had a couple of big Saharan dust storms which had turned the snow to the colour you see. I took this photo one year ago.

A dark grey stallion walking across a green area in the high mountains with snow coloured by Saharan dust and rocks behind him
May 22, 2023, 9:01:52 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

On Tuesday we found 4 of the 6 Gentians in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It's highly likely we saw 5, the two tube gentians are very similar. Some of these flowers are so tiny, most people don't see them. Info on each picture.

Gentianella tenella (Lapland Gentian). Grows between 2800 and 3200m. It has a wide distribution but is classed as a threatened species in the Sierra Nevada.
Gentiana boryi. Grows between 2200 and 3200m. I believe this only grows in Iberia and only on two other mountain ranges. It is classed as a vulnerable species.
Gentiana pneumonanthe subsp. depressa (Marsh Gentian). It grows between 2200 and 3200m. It is endemic to the Sierra Nevada and is classed as a vulnerable species.
Gentiana sierrae (Spring Gentian). Grows between 1700 and 3200m. It is endemic to the Sierra Nevada.
Jul 27, 2023, 8:58:02 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

It always pays to stop and look at the view behind you when you are walking. The north faces of and dominating the skyline with the rising above . The red roof of refugio San Fransico standing out.

A view of the north faces of two of biggest mountains in Spain's Sierra Nevada national park. The moon rising behind one mountain. At the end of a track there is a little refugio with a red roof standing alone on the green slops with the big mountains behind.
Aug 11, 2023, 10:36:35 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Some nature shots from our recent outing into the Sierra Nevada mountains. Vasar de Mulhacen, a night on the Collado de Siete Lagunas and all the way down, down, down, 1700m down to Trevelez. Great trip, legs still recovering from that decent 🥴 We saw plenty of wildlife, Iberian Ibex, Griffon Vultures, Booted Eagles, Red-billed Choughs, Northern Wheatears, Alpine Accentors. Not so many wildflowers left now.

A male Iberian Ibex standing on rock watching the approaching humans
A Griffon Vulture flying overhead
A young Iberian Ibex standing on a rock looking at the camera with yellow flowers scattered among the rocks behind
A picture of some yellow flowers growing beside a mountain stream
Aug 19, 2023, 9:07:45 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

The last of the pictures from our trip into the mountains. Mostly scene shots today. Can you spot the face in the rocks 🤔

A photo of ridgelines  of mountains appearing in the setting sun
Another view of ridgelines of mountains in the setting sun with the orange glow over the Mediterranean sea
A picture of the setting sun going down behind a mountain. The mountains are silhouetted and the sky is orange
A face in the rocks
Aug 20, 2023, 8:03:54 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

What else did we see 🤔 that's what we saw, not 1 but 2 of these beauties ❤ We watched them away in the distance as they 'played' in the sky mirroring eachother flying. I only have record shots because they were too far away, when one did come reasonably close it took us by surprise and I wasn't ready 🤣 But for me it was the highlight of our trip, It's an amazing privilege to have seen this pair.
Bit of info in the comments about these

Distant shot of a Lammergeier flying high in the mountains
Distant shot of a Lammergeier flying close to a mountain
Lammergeier flying past showing it's beard and a satellite tracker on it's back
Back shot of a Lammergeier flying past showing it's satellite tracker
Aug 28, 2023, 10:14:13 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

The upper Lanjaron valley seen from the top of Cerro de Caballo (3009m) in the Sierra Nevada. We saw few signs of wildlife up this high now, only the real hardy souls like the Iberian Ibex are still around. The 3 highest peaks of the mountain range can be seen in the background with bits of snow hanging on. It was very very cold 🥶

A picture showing a valley. The highest peaks of the Sierra Nevada in Spain are seen at the back of the photo with some snow clinging to them. A layer of white cloud with a hole in allowing a bit of blue sky to push through. At the bottom of the picture is a lake with a small refuge looking over it. Quite a stark image.
Nov 17, 2023, 7:57:15 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Stacked lenticular clouds sitting above the white Sierra Nevada mountains. As you can tell by the clouds bad weather is due soon. Grabbed with a mobile phone from a moving vehicle.

Stacked lenticular clouds in a pale blue sky above snowy mountains with lower brown mountains in front and olive trees and brown sparse ground in the forefront. Taken from a moving car.
Feb 8, 2024, 4:03:17 PM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Wild horses in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Always nice to come across these small family groups.

A picture of 4 grey horses looking towards people who are not on the picture. They are stood in the high mountains with rocks, vegetation and snow around.
Jun 8, 2024, 7:21:39 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

The endemic Parnassius apollo subsp nevadensis butterfly is now on the wing in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Such a graceful big butterfly and one that is suffering effects of the warming mountains, they need the cooler temperature and are moving higher up in search of that! It lives above 1800m. We encountered this one yesterday at 2400m which was having a good feast on the wild Thyme.

A large white butterfly with black circles with orange around the edge of the circles feeding on small pink Thyme flowers. The butterfly has it's wings closed and is looking directly at the camera with it's proboscis inserted into a flower.
Jun 26, 2024, 10:54:56 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

This giant Bumble bee was feeding on the endemic Gentiana sierrae moments before it headed straight for the camera 😂

Black and yellow giant Bumble Bee flying towards the camera. Short green grass is blurred out around and long with a small patch of blue Spring Gentian flowers in the bottom right of the picture.
Jun 29, 2024, 10:08:38 AM [original]
Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

At 2100m we found a handful of Gentiana sierrae flowering and some still in bud. These should not be flowering at the end of November.

A blue flower very low to the ground. Five blue petals and white centre. The flower is surrounded by green alpine vegetation.
Nov 30, 2024, 12:50:58 PM [original]