Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

On Tuesday we found 4 of the 6 Gentians in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It's highly likely we saw 5, the two tube gentians are very similar. Some of these flowers are so tiny, most people don't see them. Info on each picture.

Gentianella tenella (Lapland Gentian). Grows between 2800 and 3200m. It has a wide distribution but is classed as a threatened species in the Sierra Nevada.
Gentiana boryi. Grows between 2200 and 3200m. I believe this only grows in Iberia and only on two other mountain ranges. It is classed as a vulnerable species.
Gentiana pneumonanthe subsp. depressa (Marsh Gentian). It grows between 2200 and 3200m. It is endemic to the Sierra Nevada and is classed as a vulnerable species.
Gentiana sierrae (Spring Gentian). Grows between 1700 and 3200m. It is endemic to the Sierra Nevada.
Jul 27, 2023, 8:58:02 AM [original]