I do miss this pack 🌈 One day we might get back up to four again 🤞
Front row on his own Siberian Husky Khumbu 🌈 Back row left to right Husky mix Arko, Nordic Shepherd mix Rita and Leonberger Kyra 🌈
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #husky #siberianhusky #leonberger #rescuedog #photography #pets #dogwalk
We took the dogs to the river for a walk today. It's really a stream, not rivers how we know them to be, but hey it's a close to a river you get around here. Anyway for the summer months they partially dam part of it to make a pool. Two years ago we taught our dogs to swim here and each year we visit a couple of times. Arko was straight in no encouragement needed ❤️
#dogs #swimming #Spain #andalucia #dogsofmastodon #husky #rescuedog
This boy still has the stitches in his eye. Because he has leishmaniasis the wound is taking longer than usual to heal, but the tumour removal site is looking good. That's why we are getting so many trips down to the coast, vet visits.
#Photography #Dogs #Dogsofmastodon #husky #rescuedog
Rita often takes herself off to stand on top of things that give her some extra height to survey the goings on. Today on our walk she looked great against the Andalucian blue winter sky. She maybe 11 but she still believes she is the fastest dog in the world!
#Photography #Dogs #DogsofMastodon #RescueDog