Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

Not quite the morning the dogs thought they were having. Both Rita and Arko at the vets. Rita to get a dental and Arko to have a small tumour removed from his eye. I don't think the dogs are going to talk to us again 😬 There is a lot of complaint coming from both of them already. I fear Arko will give us husky hell once his legs have recovered sufficiently 😂

Rita the white dog laying on a black sofa giving her best Princess Diana look. She is recovering nicely.
Arko the Black and white husky laying on the floor with Rita a white dog stood next to him. Arko was still coming round from his anaesthetic and refused to move any further. Needless to say, the car was brought to him.
White dog laying on a purple floor on a grey rug with a light blue blanket over her. She has just been given a sedative at the vets and is falling asleep.
Arko the black and white husky with pale blue eyes, comfortable back at home. He's laying on a brown dog bed which is sat on orange tiles.
Dec 18, 2023, 2:22:47 PM [original]