Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

My nemesis bird the Iberian Magpie
(Cyanopica cooki). These are the best shots I've gotten of them in 17 years 😂 One of these days I will nail a shot of them! Do you have a nemesis bird? I actually have a few!

An Iberian Magpie flying into a tree. The woodland is soft green light. The Magpie has azure blue wings and tail, buff coloured body, black top half of head and white throat
An Iberian Magpie sat on the branch of a tree. The Magpie has azure blue wings and tail, buff coloured body, black top half of head and white throat
An Iberian Magpie sat on the branch of a tree. The Magpie has azure blue wings and tail, buff coloured body, black top half of head and white throat
Nov 9, 2023, 5:23:32 PM [original]