Mrs K Husky
Mrs K Husky

We were going to be walking and spending the night in a reliable place for seeing the Griffon Vulture. I hoped that adding the extra weight to my pack, ie the enormous lens and camera, that I wouldn't just be taking it for a walk for 2 days but would actually use it. The Griffon Vultures didn't let me down ❤️ 17 yrs walking in these mountains I am learning where the wildlife hangs out

A head on shot of a Griffon Vulture flying straight at the photographer
The enormous bulk of the Griffon Vulture can be seen in this over head shot as the vulture flew overhead as the sun was going down
A Griffon Vulture resting on some rocks blending in with it's surroundings
A photo of the underside of a Griffon Vulture flying overhead
Aug 27, 2023, 9:11:10 AM [original]