You learn something new everyday!

Having given up on the top veggie terrace a long time ago, I didnt even bother to remove old veg, broccoli of various types, potatoes etc. Well ive been up to the terrace and investigated what was happening up there, and things have grown!

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You learn something new everyday!

Having given up on the top veggie terrace a long time ago, I didnt even bother to remove old veg, broccoli of various types, potatoes etc. Well ive been up to the terrace and investigated what was happening up there, and things have grown! I have potatoes popping up all over the place, ive even got broccoli that has grown.

I'm beginning to wish id never removed some of the other stuff that I thought had failed, as it obviously hadnt, it just needed more growing time and the amount of rain we have had must have suited there growing conditions. So below are a couple of pictures that ive taken. Ive cut the broccoli now and shall be eating this over the next few days.


White broccoli

Potatoes growing amongst the weeds

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