Never ending rain and a blocked drive

Yesterday we ventured out in between the rain to go buy some plastic to try and stop the leaks in the house. It is then that we noticed our neighbours land was on the move and was partially blocking our drive.

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Never ending rain and a blocked drive

Yesterday we ventured out in between the rain to go buy some plastic to try and stop the leaks in the house. It is then that we noticed our neighbours land was on the move and was partially blocking our drive.

Neighbours land on the move

When we came back from Lanjaron we decided to move the cars lower down the drive because it was inevitable that the land was going to keep on coming down and block our drive. Are we glad we did that, we sure are because over night it came down and blocked the drive completely and is still coming down now.

The blocked drive

Spain is getting so much rain this winter and we are not the worst hit, some areas, land and property are standing 2m deep in water! On the Andalucian news last night it showed a sheep farm where nearly 1000 sheep had drowned. Sadly animals seem to be the worst affected with horses, foals, donkeys, dogs, chickens etc drowning because they are all penned in.

Our house sprung leaks again, we have a weeping bedroom wall, the bathroom ceiling is dripping and our spare room has 13 buckets  collecting water! Good job this weather is not normal, mind you if it was then house's would be built water tight.

Buckets collecting the dripping water

It seems we are getting what would normally be the UK's winter weather ie rain and the UK is getting cold weather. We normally only get maybe 3 days of bad weather a month during the winter, not this year though. Landslides are a problem at the moment because the land that the locals have with olive trees is stripped of weeds, these weeds are what holds the earth together.

So when it does rain, the land gets washed away. It is easier for them to collect the olives when there are no weeds but its this action that causes landslides.  All they need to do is strim the weeds and keep the roots to bind the earth together. I guess its all part of the fun of living here in this beautiful part of  Andalucia, warts an all.

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