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Romantic meal!

Romantic meal!

Richard decided to cook a romantic meal yesterday and this is what he produced.

What to do with tomatoes and Millett

What to do with tomatoes and Millett

So we have more tomatoes than we know what to do with. Weve eaten them with most meals for the last month, made gallons of Tomato Frito (Puree) and still have left overs.

Veggie News

Veggie News

So it turns out the cauliflower is not cauliflower and is cabbage, I've taken a picture to show you the seed packet and the resulting veg!



Before the olympic games protesters were asked to apply for permits to allow them to protest, it turns out that you still get arrested and jailed even if you have a permit!!



Here is a sample of out tomatoes. We have 2 types this year, the Cherry tomatoes and some big variety.

Egyptian Grasshopper

Egyptian Grasshopper

We had a visit by this little chap the other day. He is a young Egyptian Grasshopper.

Jigdrel - Leaving Fear Behind

Jigdrel - Leaving Fear Behind

I came upon these headlines today Tibetan filmmaker's documentary lands him in Chinese prison, and so read a little further and this is what I found out.

Captain Tapa sails for the first time this year!

Captain Tapa sails for the first time this year!

Its that time of year again when Tapa gets launched!



Today I pulled all of our garlic and now its drying on the roof terrace



Yes for those who know me know that I love cucumber and living in this part of Andalucia means you very rarely get the cucumbers that we are used to in the UK

Carrots - where did it all go wrong!

Carrots - where did it all go wrong!

Today I decided to dig up the carrots and see what was happening to them! Wish I hadnt bothered.

Under attack

Under attack

I had the fright of my life today, I was checking on the veg, arrived at the courgettes pondering should I pick any when with my next footfall a 2 meter long as thick as your fist brown snake shot out and took off up and away from me

Khumbus Favourite Film

Khumbus Favourite Film

Caught Khumbu watching his favourite film 8 Below a few weeks ago.

Moorish Gecko

Moorish Gecko

This little fellow lives in our bathroom and helps to keep the flys down.



Found this butterfly whilst out with clients walking in the Poqueira Gorge on Sunday

2nd Highest mountain in mainland Spain, Veleta

2nd Highest mountain in mainland Spain, Veleta

Monday we went up Veleta 5 hour round trip. Bruno and Khumbu made it as well so they are knocking off the mountains well and truly.

Parnassius Apollo - To you and me a butterfly

Parnassius Apollo - To you and me a butterfly

Whilst going up Mulhacen the other day I saw this little fellow crawling by, so took a picture of him

Highest dogs in Spain!

Highest dogs in Spain!

Yesterday Khumbu and Bruno became the highest dogs in Spain.

Snakes in the garden!

Snakes in the garden!

Just found the husky Khumbu playing dare with this little creature in the back garden!

Khumbus Campo Excursion!

Khumbus Campo Excursion!

Yes the time has arrived for the 15 month old bundle of energy (otherwise known as Khumbu) to take himself off on his own walk!