Veggie News

So it turns out the cauliflower is not cauliflower and is cabbage, I've taken a picture to show you the seed packet and the resulting veg!

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Veggie News

So it turns out the cauliflower is not cauliflower and is cabbage, I've taken a picture to show you the seed packet and the resulting veg! I was a little worried about the parsnip because someone said it looked like celery, and after the fun with the cabbage I decided today to pull up a plant and see what it was, and it is parsnip, so tonight Richard (I don't like parsnip) is having baby parsnip for dinner. The aubergines here are a little different to the ones you are used to in the UK, here they are purple and white stripy things but taste the same. There is a chilli pepper here know by us as the russian roulette chilli but locally its known as "pimientos del pardon". Basically this plant grows the chilli peppers and when you eat them you have no idea if you are getting a hot or normal one as they seem to grow to whatever heat they fancy. Ive picked our first one this morning and we shall have a try of it later on. If you are unlucky enough to pick a hot one be prepared for the consequences! Ive picked our marrow ready to make the marrow rum, keep watching this space to find out how it does.


Aubergine and Parsnip

Pimientos del padron

Marrow ready for marrow rum

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