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Thought you might like to see one of the characters I met whilst in Patagonia recently. Its a White-throated Caracara (phalcoboenus albogularis).
We had walked to the Laguna Torre to get a nice close view of one of the most iconic mountains in the world, Cerro Torre, whilst admiring the view the Caracara came along and gave us a great half an hour or so of entertainment. Even people who had no interest in birds were taking photos and video.
In the books it is described as shy and wary, well I can say I think the books need to be re-written as our bird seemed to thoroughly enjoy its encounter with humans. If you want to see more photos then have a look at the Smugmug Gallery.
Comments #
Emma: Wow, that videos fab, bless him. Their not bothered by you in the slightest are they!
Khyra's Mom: Nothing like a raptor to take my breath away!
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