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Today I went with Richard, a couple of clients from Spanish Highs and Khumbu into the snowy Sierra Nevada mountains. We left the 3 behind doing an Alpine Introduction Course and headed on our way up Veleta about a 1000m of ascent from where we left them. Its always an adventure whenever Khumbu is involved especially in the snow. He, as expected, got very excited, he ran, pulled me off my feet across the snow, yapped, dug holes, ate the snow, jumped up and down!! When walking at altitude it is advisable to walk slowly but when attached to a Khumbu that is impossible. Anyway after a few hours we settled down to a little lunch and took a few photos and thought about heading down.
Going downhill has proved a problem since he was a puppy, he has worked out that you are at your most vulnerable and for that reason he takes complete advantage of it. I put my crampons on to help me get some stability but alas he still managed to drag me off my feet a couple of times because he thought it would be a great game to chase the little birds that were flying about with me in tow!
We met up with the others, waited whilst they finished off and headed back to the car.
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