Vegetable garden is up and running

Well the veggie garden is up and running again. We don't have a huge selection of veggies growing, we have to keep it on a small scale because we don't have the time needed to look after them, but what we do grow is pretty good at looking after it'self most the time.

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Vegetable garden is up and running

Well the veggie garden is up and running again. We don't have a huge selection of veggies growing, we have to keep it on a small scale because we don't have the time needed to look after them, but what we do grow is pretty good at looking after it'self most the time. We are lucky that Pepe comes and helps us flood the land every couple of weeks, then it's up to us to water and weed the rest of the time when needed.

We grew a never ending supply of Habas during the winter/spring

Onions were also grown through out winter / spring which we are still eating. We were too late in planting for summer so missed out there

This is what the pumpkin and squash looked like on June 21st

This is what the pumpkin and squash look like July 28th. The dogs own supply, they love the stuff!

The courgettes are doing great as always

Guess what we are going to be eating for the next few months

We think we brought red bell peppers but I guess time will tell

Always amazes me how we get fruit and veg from flowers! Tomatoes in the making

Young tomatoes. Think we went a little over the top on the tomato plants. Send your tomato recipes

Earlier in the year Pepe gave us some baby walnut trees, look how well this one is doing. Look forward to when it is old enough to give nuts

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