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This is one of the creepy crawlies that we live with here in Andalucia. In English it is known as a Scolopendra, in Spanish its an Escolopendra. I think this one is a Megarian Banded Centipede. I walked past the swimming pool and saw this chap floating so took advantage of the fact it was dead and took a few photos, as you can see its 11cm long and pretty nasty looking. They can move very fast and have a nasty sting which can cause a very painful swelling, hence the photo only being taken as it was dead.
I have found Khumbu playing with these, now he did end up once having to have an emergency trip to the vet for a swollen tongue and face but we don't know if it was one of these that caused it. We have found them in our bedroom and even in our bed!!!! Just a couple of weeks ago one just walked on past whilst I was sat on the sofa. There is a big market for these on the internet for collectors of these centipede's, maybe I shall have to get brave and start collecting and selling them to earn a bit of money? I couldn't decide which was the best photo to publish so I put all 3 on.
Comments #
peejay: Yes it's Scolopendra cingulata, the Banded Centipede. They are amazinly fast aren't they? I've seen some individuals 15 cm body length. The ones offered on the internet are usually larger tropical species 20 cm and more. I expect you see quite a few Mantids too, don't you? I just love all these creatures.
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