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As you are aware we got chickens a few months ago so I thought I would give you an update on how they are getting along. We now only have 2 left. No 3 died, not sure what of, but she is no longer with us even though I tried to nurse her she was too weak.
Once again they have been re-named from Blanca and Giant to Blanca and Bully! Why Bully, obviously by her name it's quite self explanatory.
We are rather fond of Blanca and Bully, they provide us with 2 eggs most days and are very easy to look after. We let them out on the evenings, when we are at home, to have a mooch about, whilst we sit on the roof terrace making sure the dogs dont try to barge the fencing.
Funnily enough when they are out it is Blanca who makes the decisions on where they go, and when she calls, Bully goes running to her! They even put themselves to bed when it starts to get dark, all I have to do then is go and lock them away just in case any of the dogs or a fox manage to get in the outside fencing.
We think we could have the strangest looking chicken going, Blanca. We were unsure if she is self harming or if Bully was pulling her feathers out. But I have seen Bully in action, hence the name change. Well thats about it from the chicken run, lets hope they continue to do well and we dont have any more mishaps.
Comments #
Victoria Twead: Poor old Blanca. She probably won't win any beauty contests. :( Our girls have bald moments too, but it soon grows back. Victoria
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